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What Your Voice Artist’s Website Should Have

A voice artist can make or break your video. The right kind of voice can literally set the tone, giving the audience audio cues as to what they should feel and understand. So, you need to be careful about picking a voice artist, and you can choose the right voice actor by looking at their website.

Why Does a Voice Actor Need a Website?

A website is a reflection of a voice artist’s capabilities and experience, much like a resume. Voice actors rely on experience and demos to show their skills to potential clients. So, having a convenient website that can easily show clients their “about me” page, samples, reviews, etc., can help clients size up a voice actor’s talent.

Moreover, having a website means that the voice actor takes their job seriously. Creating a website takes some time and investment, particularly if they have a good website. So, a website can show clients how devoted a voice actor is to their career.

What A Voice Actor’s Website Needs

So now that you know why a voice actor needs a website, you might be wondering: When I find their website, what exactly should I be looking for? Here are a few key things to search for in a voice artist’s website.


One of the most important things a voice actor should provide is demos/samples. You want to know exactly what the voice actor has to offer. Even if the voice actor has stunning reviews and recommendations from past clients, you still want to know if they are the right fit for you.  

Looking at a voice artist’s demos and samples also gives you a good idea of their range. For instance, you might be looking for someone who can create voice-overs for e-Learning videos, but they might only have experience in narration. If you are lucky, you can find a voice actor that can do multiple types of voice-overs. 

A Simple Yet Professional Layout

As mentioned earlier, owning a great-looking website involves time, effort, and money. If a voice artist wants to impress people, they should care about the first impression that their website gives. So, the website’s layout is a huge factor to consider when looking at their site.

You want to see a website that looks fairly simple yet professional, while still being easy to navigate. It needs to match the voice artist’s “look” while making it convenient for potential clients to find whatever they need. You do not want to see an overzealous layout with too many colors, images, animations, etc. 

An “About Me” Page

Of course, you probably want to know more about a voice actor before hiring them. Therefore, they should have an “About Me” page ready for you to look at on their website. Their About Me can be a quick background into their life. However, it would be better to see that page full of relevant voice-over information.

Some things you want to learn about a potential voice actor on their About Me page include:

  • How many years they’ve done voice-overs.
  • What kind of recording booth do they have.
  • What kind of equipment do they use.

“Contact Me/Us”

Of course, you will likely want to speak to the voice actor before you consider hiring them. Therefore, they should have a “Contact Me” page available on their website. It should contain at least one of the following:

  • Phone number
  • E-mail address
  • Social Media Handles

Easy to Load

You do not want to wait ages just to check out a website. The site should be fairly quick to load – that way, people (i.e. you) will not get tired of waiting. As mentioned earlier, simple websites are preferred because they are easy on the eyes. Plus, simpler layouts will load easily. 


Another crucial thing you want to see on a voice actor’s website is their reviews. Reviews will reveal a lot about a voice actor. While they may have great demos, you never know how they actually are with their clients unless you read the reviews. A reputable voice actor should have a load of reviews to display on their website.

A Concise Message

Finally, you want to see that the voice actor’s “message” is clear to see on their website. You want everything to be straightforward. You should easily see what kind of voice actor they are, how many years they have been in the industry, etc. 

While the website may look amazing visually, what information does it give you? Does it tell you about the voice actor and what they can do? Does it give you any idea if the voice actor is right for you? The actual content of the voice artist’s website should contain relevant information to answer most of your questions. If not, that is why they should have a “Contact Me/Us” page.

Do you know what else people should look for in voice actor’s websites? Talk about them in the comment section below.